Azerbaijan may launch an invasion of Armenia if the West fails to respond robustly to its takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia’s ambassador to UK told The Telegraph.

Varuzhan Nersesyan said it was probably “too late” to prevent an exodus of ethnic Armenians from Nagorno Karabakh, but said firm security guarantees might not be enough to protect the few who remain and avert another war.

“Now that they see the international community’s reaction is a soft one… it’s not excluded that they may be tempted to carry out another attack on the Republic of Armenia,” he told the Telegraph.

“It is a serious situation and here the international community has a preventive and preemptive role to play, not to allow any country that is becoming a bully in international relations to threaten neighboring countries and to present unfounded territorial claims,” the Ambassador said.

Mr Nersesyan said there were now serious concerns in Yerevan about Azerbaijani claims to a so-called “Zangezur corridor”, which would cross sovereign Armenian territory to link Azerbaijan with an exclave called Nakhchivan.

“There is such a threat, because they have not seen the international community acting throughout the nine months of the inhuman blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh other than calls and statements,” he said.

“The international community needed to react to this in a very robust, harsh, harsh manner,” the Ambassador stated.

Source : Armradio

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